A beautiful turban with striking dark purple stripes. Plump cloves with light brown wrappers.
Turbans are weak bolting garlics and earlier maturing than any of our other garlics. Turbans may grow softneck in mild winter climates. Turbans have a small plant but are capable of producing large bulbs. Stores approximately 4 months.
6-10 Cloves per Bulb
6-10 Bulbs per Pound
50-60 Cloves per Pound
Your garlic order will ship out in October. Orders are shipped in the order they are recieved.
We do not ship our garlic until October, as many diseases and pathogens need time to fully present themselves. Garlic shipped too early may deteriorate before planting season, shipping later in the season allows for any underlying problems to present and be culled before shipping.