Hello Friends! The growing season is off to a slow start here in Northeast Washington but it hasn't seemed to phase the garlic. The garlic is growing strong, with an average of 6 or 7 leaves on most varieties. After 10-12 leaves have formed we will begin to see garlic scapes emerge. Scaping time is an exciting time around here, we all love garlic scapes and look forward to enjoying them roasted, grilled, and of course a big batch of garlic scape pesto to freeze for Winter. We will be offering garlic scapes for sale through our website and will send out a notification when we have those listed in June.
Stay tuned for more tips and advice on growing great garlic!
We hope your gardens are beautiful and bountiful.
Andrew & Kristine Winniford
Looking to plant a variety? Check out our garden samplers:
We also offer yellow shallots and 1-pound bags of mixed culinary garlic as add-ons to your garlic order at a substantial discount.
Yellow Shallots are easy to grow alongside garlic and provide your pantry with another long storing allium. We find we enjoy ours most the following summer when we're waiting for field onions to bulb.
If this is your first year growing garlic, or you just need a little more for your pantry, the mixed culinary bags give you a chance to cook with a variety of garlic types while you wait for your seed to grow.
Let us know if you have any questions. We're always happy to help.
